A 35-year-old man who threw a chemical liquid in the face of a former partner of his girlfriend, causing him to lose an eye, has been jailed for nine-and-a-half years.

Cork Circuit Criminal Court heard that when gardaí called to the home of John Paul Carey after the "cowardly and unprovoked" assault he refused to identify the liquid he used in the attack.

However he asked gardaí if the victim, 40-year-old Francis Costello, was "still a handsome man" following the incident which occurred in Ballyphehane, Cork, on 4 March 2022.

Carey, with an address in Dunmanus Crescent in Knocknaheeny, Cork, had pleaded guilty to assault causing serious harm to Mr Costello.

He also pleaded guilty to assaulting his brothers, John and Roy Costello, on the same date at the house the brothers shared.

The court heard that Francis Costello answered a call to the door at around 8pm on 4 March 2022, where he was confronted by Carey, whom he recognised as being the relatively new partner of his ex-girlfriend.

Detective Inspector Jason Lynch told the court that Carey threw a corrosive liquid in Francis Costello's face and then started to punch him after he fell to the ground.

Francis Costello's brothers came to his assistance and the court was told that Carey also threw the corrosive liquid at them.

Francis Costello lost an eye in the incident and sustained chemical burns to his face and scalp.

John Costello also suffered chemical burns to both eyes and has lost 10% of vision in his right eye and 20% in his left.

Roy Costello received chemical burns to his forearms and arms in the attack.

Gardaí found a bottle for unclogging drains outside the property, which was sent to Forensic Science Ireland for analysis and found to contain sodium hydroxide, which is caustic soda.

A specialist cleaning crew had to be called in to make the property safe following the attack.

In his victim impact statement, Francis Costello said the night of the offence was engraved in his memory.

"The night of the 4th of March 2022 will remain with me for the rest of my life. The physical pain I went through, I just wanted to die to stop the burning in my eyes, my face and my head as I lay on the ground crying and screaming in pain while I was being kicked and punched

"I was praying the next blow would be fatal just to stop the suffering. Little did I know that night for the next year I would be battling with my mental and emotional health, attending multiple procedures, surgeries and my eye being removed last October.

"I have been attending hospital as an inpatient and outpatient every week.

"I lost the will to live. I believe today that there is a way through anything that life may throw at me."

He said he had lost his job, which brought "huge financial stress," and that prior to the attack he was an "outgoing confident person."

Francis Costello added that he was grateful for the support network of friends, family and neighbours for helping to save him when he did not want to save himself. He also thanked gardaí, the Support after Crime Service and the Mental Health Services for their assistance.

He described his children as the "driving force" in his life.

John Costello's victim impact statement was read into the record. He said that it was a completely unprovoked attack which had happened at their home.

"My face was burning and my eye sight was gone. I was lucky to even have gotten my eye sight back to an extent."

John Costello said is afraid to open the door of his house arising out of the savage assault. Roy Costello opted not to give a victim impact statement.

In sentencing Judge James McCourt said it was a "senseless attack" which left the victims, particularly Francis Costello, with "life altering" injuries.

He imposed a ten-year sentence on Mr Carey suspending the last six months.