Business people in Midleton, Co Cork, have appealed for support a month after flooding during Storm Babet caused damage worth tens of millions of euro to the town.

Most of the 120 businesses affected by the flooding have reopened in time for the switching on of Christmas lights there this evening.

A month ago yesterday, Storm Babet dumped record rainfall levels on Midleton and the surrounding area. It was reported at the time that a month's worth of rain fell in 24 hours.

There was flooding in many parts of north and east Cork and west Waterford: from Glanmire, a suburb of Cork city, to Mogeely, Lady's Bridge, Castlemartyr and Killeagh in the east of the county, as well as Dungarvan and Clashmore in Co Waterford.

But Midleton was hit hardest. The Dungourney and Owenacurra rivers could not cope with the flood waters and overspilled onto the streets of the town.

At lunchtime on 18 October, people were sitting in restaurants and coffee shops on Main Street, oblivious of what was on its way from upstream.

It took only a matter of minutes for the centre of the town to be inundated, forcing a mass evacuation.

Flooding in Midleton last month

Businesses apply for aid

There is no definitive estimate of the damage caused by Storm Babet flooding, in Midleton or in the wider east Cork area.

A number of estimates have put the damage to homes, businesses, roads, bridges and other infrastructure at between €150m and €200m.

The Irish Red Cross is administering two schemes to help businesses who suffered damage in the floods.

The first scheme offers a once-off payment of €5,000. The second scheme offers payments of up to €100,000, subject to assessment of the damage.

Midleton today as it prepared for the switch on of Christmas lights

Clearly, there are many businesses who suffered even greater damage than the maximum payment will cover.

Most do not have flood insurance, because Midleton has flooded many times in the past and insurance companies won't extend cover for flood damage.

A total of 137 businesses had applied to the Irish Red Cross for flood aid by Friday: 59 for assistance of between €5,000 and €15,000 and 67 for assistance of up to €100,000.

Eleven applicants were not eligible or withdrew their applications.

The total amount paid out so far by the Irish Red Cross is €636,232.37 to 44 applicants. It acknowledges that most of this money has gone to businesses in Midleton.

That amount will rise, as many other applications are currently being processed.

Flooding in Midleton on 18 October (Pic: Irish Coast Guard)

Businesses have moved quickly to reopen in time for the Christmas/New Year period.

President of Midleton Chamber of Commerce describes a number of committees and groups that have been formed in the town.

"The town has come together; businesses have come together to help each other," Adrianna Hegarty told RTÉ News.

"Cleaning up the streets and removing sand bags was a big job in itself."

Ms Hegarty estimates that around 80% of businesses which were affected by flooding during Storm Babet have already been re-opened.

Some, like Lollipop Kids shoe shop on Main Street, re-opened yesterday.

The Christmas lights were switched on in Midleton this evening

"We are nearly there," Ms Hegarty said.

As the Christmas lights were switched on in Midleton this evening, Ms Hegarty had a message for the people of east Cork and further afield.

"Please come and support our town: shop in Midleton; dine in our restaurants and coffee shops; have a drink in our bars," she said.