National Broadband Ireland (NBI), the company responsible for delivering the Government's National Broadband Plan (NBP), said broadband connections are now available for more than 200,000 households, farms and businesses across the country.

It means that over a third of the premises targeted by the NBP have access to the high-speed fibre infrastructure, while three in five have now moved to or through the construction phase.

60,000 premises have connected with the average take-up rate ahead of projections and international comparisons.

"High-speed fibre broadband connections with minimum speeds of 500 megabits per second are available to more than 200,000 homes, farms and businesses," said NBI Chief Executive Peter Hendrick.

"NBI will ultimately serve 564,000 premises, so we have now reached over a third of the rollout and are ahead of our target of 185,000 premises passed and ready to connect by January 2024," Mr Hendrick said.

Minister of State Ossian Smyth said over 200,000 homes, schools and businesses can now access high-speed, reliable broadband under the National Broadband Plan.

"With the fibre network delivered by NBI, Irish people will be able to work, study and stream entertainment from the comfort of their own homes all over the country," Mr Smyth said.