
Myrtle Allen began making these tarts and tartlets for the Ballymaloe dessert trolley over half a century ago. The base couldn't be easier to prepare, it literally takes one minute to mix the three ingredients together. When baked, the tart bases can be stored in an airtight container for several days and the fruit can be arranged on top just before serving.

The crisp almond base in this dish is conveniently gluten free. While this recipe is for a raspberry version of the tart, the base can also be topped with strawberries, blueberries and even peeled grapes (pips removed). Ripe peaches or nectarines are also delicious; just peel, slice and fan the fruit over the caramelised almond base. Poached rhubarb strained from its syrup, is also very good.

Note: I like to glaze red fruit tarts with redcurrant jelly, but then I make these tarts with peaches, nectarines or grapes, I like to glaze the fruit with apricot glaze.

Makes 24 tartlets (or two x 18 cm/7 inch tarts)

For the almond base

  • 110 g/4 oz (½ cup) soft salted butter
  • 110 g/4 oz (½ cup plus 1 tablespoon) castor (superfine) sugar
  • 110 g/4 oz (1 cup) ground almonds

To assemble

  • 450 g/1 lb raspberries
  • 3 tablespoon redcurrant jelly (page xxx), to glaze
  • 300 ml/10 fl oz (1¼ cup) whipped cream
  • Sweet geranium leaves or fresh mint leaves, to garnish


For the almond base: Preheat the oven to 180°C/350°F/Gas Mark 4.

  1. Place the butter in a bowl and cream well. Add the sugar and ground almonds and stir until everything is evenly combined. Don't beat or over work the mixture.
  2. Divide the mixture between 24 shallow tartlet tins (I use two shallow flat based bun trays that each have 12 wells) or two x 17½ cm/7 inch sandwich tins.
  3. Place the tartlets in the preheated oven and bake for 10 - 15 minutes, until golden brown. Larger tarts will take approximately 25 minutes.
  4. Remove from the oven and allow to cool slightly before popping out of the tin.
  5. If the tartlets or tarts appear to be sticking to the tin, and break when you attempt to pop them out, put the tin back in the oven for a minute. When it warms up the base should pop out easily.

To assemble:

  1. Arrange the raspberries over the surface of each tartlet or tart. Warm the redcurrant jelly in a small saucepan until it melts and gently brush over the fruit.
  2. Take care that the glaze does not drip onto the almond base or you run the risk of it losing its nice crispness.
  3. Fill a canvas piping bag, fitted with a small star tip, with the whipped cream and pipe around the edge of each tart or tartlet.
  4. Garnish with sweet geranium or fresh mint leaves