On not knowing why, but knowing one must write in Irish - for Sunday Miscellany, listen to Cornmeal, by Laoighseach Ní Choistealbha above.

"The weather broke recently. The bright sunlight, which seemed to offer the promise of a sweltering summer, wandered off to some other part of the globe and we were left with the usual Irish fare: grey skies, cloudy weather, a fine mizzle of rain.

I was on the bus home from Galway city, heading to Carna in the Connemara Gaeltacht, where I now live. The landscape was in various shades of grey and green, the land and the sea almost folding into each other.

One thing stood out, however: An Trá Bhuí, a bright patch of fine yellow sand on the jut of Corr na hÁirde. Cornmeal, I thought instantly...."

Listen to more from Sunday Miscellany here.