I'm going to be honest with you, learning any language is a challenge. But a challenge is good, right? Ceart! So, if you, like Imelda May and Hozier, want to learn more Irish, here's a start.

If you want to learn Irish, you have to listen to Irish.

Not only that, but you need to find something you like and listen to it as Gaeilge. For example, if you love alternative music, you should be listening to Cian Ó Cíobháin's An Taobh Tuathail on RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta, weeknights from 10pm.

Cian Ó Cíobháin

If you prefer chat, you should tune into Bladhaire, Thursdays and Fridays from 3pm on RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta. It's a heady mix of Áine Ní Bhreisleáin's laughter and incisive interviews from beautiful Gaoth Dobhair.

Áine Ní Bhreisleáin

If you want to learn Irish, engaging with its speakers is a big help

Languages are methods of communication. Forget grammar rules, forget what you think about your blas and bain triail as! There are lots of Irish speakers on all of the social media platforms, find a few you enjoy following and get chatting.

If you want to learn Irish, you're going to make mistakes.

Perfectionists, you're going to have to look the other way. None of us speak Irish perfectly, just like none of us speak English perfectly, sin é. The Irish for kindness is cineáltas and it's a good word to keep in mind when you're learning anything new.